
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Far Do You Agree That Wyatt’s Rebellion Was a Serious Threat

How far do you agree that Wyatt’s rebellion was a serious threat to Mary’s authority? Although Wyatt’s rebellion was, when compared to the riots and rebellions that visited the Tudor Dynasty, rather small in size, it had a large impact in that Queen Mary’s authority as Monarch was questioned and ridiculed by the actions that drove so close to her residence in 1554. Historians argue that the volatile combination of politics, religion and Mary’s personality were major factors in the rebellion’s formation as well as the fear the prospect of a Spanish King visited upon the nobles.Mary’s ascension to the throne of England was marked with extraordinary political and religious circumstance: the return of Catholicism in England marshalled by Mary was a decision met with gratefulness and one that pleased many of those citizens supressed under the Tudor dynasty’s progressive and eventually full protestant stance. However, Mary’s ge nder meant that she couldn’t enjoy the same levels of independence and power as those wielded by her brother and father.Mary’s announcement that she intended to marry Philip II of Spain in 1554 divided her privy council into two distinct groups; one opposing her marriage, favouring the possible courter, Edward Courtenay (Earl of Devon), and the other, who supported the Spanish Monarch. The reasons for these split alliances were deeply ingrained in foreign policy, with those supporting Philip’s prospects seeking the advantages of a strong Anglo-Spanish alliance, and those against it fearing the consequences of a future hereditary Spanish claim to the English throne and a possible need to aid Spain in future conflict.Some historians like Rex, believe that these circumstances in combination with Mary’s personal stubbornness and willingness to marry Philip II against the inclination of her government played a considerable factor in the fruition of Wyattâ€⠄¢s rebellion. However, there have been attempts by historians to counter this appraisal of Mary’s character, it has been suggested that the queen’s indecision in the negotiations over the restoration of Catholicism to England and more specifically her marriage to Philip was Mary being politically shrewd, tailored to win greater concessions for the English Crown from the Hapsburgs and the Vatican.Thus, it may be fair to attribute Mary’s personality as one of the largest contributing factors of her marriage to Philip and Thomas Wyatt’s consequent anti-monarchic movement whether these intended or not. It would thus seem that it was Mary’s personality and the ways in which her choices affected those around her which was the greatest motive for Wyatt’s rebellion. This view can be furthermore supported when acknowledging the fact that there was very little religious opposition remaining by the time of the rebellion, hence Mary could only be damag ed as a result of her own political errors regarding the marriage.Turvell and Randall discuss this view, stating ‘At the beginning of the reign even the most zealous of urban radicals were not prepared to go against the mainstream of public opinion, and waited to see what would happen. Certainly, when Mary, using the royal prerogative, suspended the second Act of Uniformity and restored the mass, there was no public outcry. ’ Hence, historians may argue that Thomas Wyatt’s motives were spurred by the prospect of a Spanish king and were not religiously driven. The actual level of threat that the Wyatt rebellion posed to Mary’s authority is a subject of much debate.On the one hand, historians argue that the rebellion significantly challenged Mary’s position as queen, whilst on the other; the event has been described by historians such as Diarmaid MacCulluch as a demonstration of ‘the bankruptcy of rebellion as a way of solving problems’. This diversity in opinion stems for an array of contemporary circumstances. Those who view the rebellion as a serious threat are quick to acknowledge Elizabeth, who was at the time considered an apt alternative to her idiosyncratically minded sister.Elizabeth’s status as a Protestant may not have pleased the public opinion in England at the time but her young age and ability to bare children was something which Mary could not so easily contest. Similarly, the rebellion’s close proximity to London and Mary’s residence has bolstered its seriousness. Historian Tony Imparato agrees with this view, stating in his book ‘Protest and Rebellion in Tudor England’ that ‘Wyatt’s men marched on London and in doing so presented the most serious threat ever posed to Tudor government †¦ In the end, his force came within half a mile of where the queen was staying, but was forced to retreat. The view held by Imparato may address the seriousness of t he Wyatt rebellion in so far as geographical closeness to Mary, but it does not fully explain the event’s consequences in revealing severe weaknesses in Mary’s government and the tenuousness of her position as queen. In his book, ‘The Early Tudors 1485-1558’ John Duncan Mackie discusses the greater extent of the rebellion and what it revealed about Mary’s court: ‘The queen’s Catholic friends had been ineffectual in the crisis and the battle had been won for her by men like Pembroke who had deserted Northumberland at the last minute. In expressing the ineffectuality of Mary’s Catholic allies, Mackie delves deeper into the rebellion’s longer term consequences and in demonstrating Pembroke’s desertion of Northumberland, highlights an only last minute decision by one of England’s most important political figures to support his queen. On the other hand, some historians have viewed Wyatt’s rebellion as havin g a lesser impact on royal authority. This view has been fuelled by the rebellion’s small levels of popular support as well as Courtenay’s ineptitude.This view is held by Colin Pendrill, who in his 2000 book ‘The English Reformation: Crown, Power and Religious Change, 1485-1558’ holds the view that the Wyatt rebellion failed and that three main issued led to this conclusion: ‘Anti-Spanish rumours did not bring about widespread support’, ‘News of the conspiracy leaked out in January 1554, so the conspirators had to act before they were ready and in the middle of winter’ and that the rebellion lacked support to such a degree that outright hostility was encountered in Coventry and that ‘Wyatt alone managed to raise some troops in Kent†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢.Pendrill’s supporting of the idea that there was a lack of common support for Wyatt’s anti-Spanish campaign may best present an objective and accurate view of the rebe llion’s preamble. It was indeed the case that Wyatt only managed to gather around three-thousand Kentish men to lead to London, suggesting that his geographical location in Kent played somewhat to his favour as this is where the majority of anti-Spanish support was located. This may indicate that the rebellion’s support was in fact not at all widespread and that Wyatt was indeed fortunate to gain the support he did.In contrast to Imparato’s source, Pendrill remonstrates that Wyatt’s rebellion was little more than an unorganised march which posed no real threat to Mary or her constitution’s authority. Furthermore, Imparato’s view can be contrasted against that of historian P. J Hammer, who in his ‘Elizabeth Wars: war, government and society in Tudor England’ states that ‘Wyatt chose to surrender rather than risk a pitched battle without local support. Hammer’s source reinforces the idea that sympathy for Wyattâ€℠¢s course was not widespread and was confined to the Kent area. In conclusion, on the basis of the evidence given, historians may view Wyatt’s rebellion to have been an unserious yet revealing challenge to Mary’s authority. Although a severe lack of support and disorganisation had cost Thomas Wyatt from reaching Mary, he had revealed to her the existence of core group of dissenters prepared to die in order to prevent an Anglo-Spanish throne in England.The extent to which Mary responded to the rebellion showed her anxiety and anger at the attempted challenge to her authority and for the execution of ninety rebels (including Wyatt himself), the exile of Courtenay and the executions of Lord Thomas Grey and William Thomas, the Wyatt rebellion should be viewed as ultimately unserious, but instrumental in heightening the anxiety of Mary and the lengths to which she would go to ensure her crown and constitution remained secure.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My relationship with God

As a start for developing a closer relationship with God, I decided that I wanted to try daily devotionals and Bible reading. I considered finding a devotional guide, but instead decided to begin by simply reading the Bible for myself. I thought about finding a daily devotional guide, but chose instead to start my devotional readings by simply reading the New Testament and letting God speak to me as He determined not as some other person might have been inspired.My decision was partially based on a need for this to be a personal journey and a knowledge that many people who attempt to read the Bible begin at the beginning and get discouraged when they reach the histories of the Books of Law. And, as a Christian, I believe the importance of the New Testament speaks for itself. This was a particularly difficult task for me. Choosing a time to read regularly and coupling it with prayer for understanding and meditation to determine the meaning of the scriptures was very difficult.I discov ered that the first thing in the morning was not a good time for me to try to read my Bible. Too often, I was overly tempted to hit the snooze button and often did not find my concentration level where it should be to really understand the scriptures, even though most of it was familiar territory. I then tried to do my devotional reading at the end of the day and found that too was a bad idea. Some days exhaustion seemed to bull me away from my studies in an untimely manner and I decided that too was a bad time. Instead I chose to set aside an hour every morning just before lunch.This seemed to be the best time for me to be able to devote my attention to the Bible and not be distracted. I set an alarm to let me know when I could be done and then tuned out all distractions. In the three weeks, I managed to read through all of the gospel of Matthew and get started in Mark without feeling like it was a chore. As the time wore on, I found myself looking forward to my daily devotional mo re than I had in the beginning and found it was easier to maintain once I found the appropriate time. Intercessory prayer as a devotional tool also appealed to me.Like many churches, the church I grew up in had a prayer chain devoted to praying for those in need. Remembering the peace and joy that came from praying for another person without any goal or personal motivation lead me to choose intercessory prayer Practicing this devotional method reminded me of the need to be more worried about others than I am about myself. I thought this was going to be my favorite devotional form, but I found that it wasn’t. Too often it felt like I was pushing my will onto God instead of allowing His will to work through me.The other two devotional forms I chose were praise singing and random good deeds. These are the two forms of devotion which I believe had the biggest impacts on my life. I chose to do my devotional singing while in the car. I turned off the radio and began singing hymns i n the car and immediately noticed a change in my attitude. I was no longer as willing to spout off angrily at other drivers, no longer feeling the need to drive unreasonably fast and no longer impatient in traffic. Changing my heart through song made my daily commutes easier and relieved tension in my life.I found myself with an sincerely improved attitude and a greater desire to praise God for the miraculous things he was working in my life and int eh world around me. The author says that the practice of doing good deeds simply for the sake of doing them is a good thing because it reinforces the image that we want non-believers to have of Christians. I found that the biggest impact it had on me was that this is a manner I believe Christians should act in. By committing daily random acts of kindness I felt better about myself.I felt that I was behaving more the way that Christ would want me to behave. My random acts of kindness included letting others go first in the grocery line an d putting coins in parking meters. Finally, last week, I also purchased a small quantity of stuffed animals and placed them randomly on the windshields of cars at the doctor’s office. I believe that the act may have helped just one other person to get through a rough day and that is what God has called each of us to do. These actions are things that I will continue.I believe that the daily Bible readings will be the most difficult to consistently maintain, but I also believe it may be the most important for my continued spiritual growth. The praise singing and random good deeds are easy to maintain because they have an immediate uplifting effect. The Bible reading requires the biggest commitment, but a better understanding of God’s purpose for me should be found in His word. I believe that the intercessory prayer is also going to continue to be a part of my life, though I am interested in determining how I can best pray without feeling like I am placing demand on my Lo rd.

Chromosomal Disorder

1. Turner syndrome: (X instead of XX or XY). In Turner syndrome, female sexual characteristics are present but underdeveloped. People with Turner syndrome often have a short stature, low hairline, abnormal eye features and bone development and a â€Å"caved-in† appearance to the chest. Description: Turner syndrome (TS) occurs when one of the two X chromosomes in females is either missing or incomplete. The most common symptoms are short stature and gonadal dysgenesis, which can cause incomplete sexual development and ovarian failure and infertility. As of right now, there is no known cause of TS. 2. Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY): Description Men with Klinefelter syndrome are usually sterile, and tend to have longer arms and legs and to be taller than their peers. Boys with the syndrome are often shy and quiet, and have a higher incidence of speech delay and dyslexia. During puberty, without testosterone treatment, some of them may develop gynecomastia. 3. Patau Syndrome: also called D-Syndrome or trisomy-13. Symptoms are somewhat similar to those of trisomy-18, but they do not have the characteristic hand shape Description: Trisomy 13, also called Patau syndrome, is a disorder in which an individual has three copies of genetic material from chromosome 13, rather than two. It can occur in three forms: Trisomy 13, which has a third chromosome 13 in all cells; Trisomy 13 mosaicism, which has a third chromosome 13 in some cells; and partial Trisomy, which has the presence of part of an extra chromosome 13 in the cells. 4. Down syndrome: Description usually is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). Characteristics include decreased muscle tone, stockier build, asymmetrical skull, slanting eyes and mild to moderate mental retardation. 5. Edwards syndrome: Description which is the second-most-common trisomy; Down syndrome is the most common. It is a trisomy of chromosome 18. Symptoms include mental and motor retardation and numerous congenital anomalies causing serious health problems. Ninety percent die in infancy; however, those that live past their first birthday usually are quite healthy thereafter. Some symptoms include clenched hands, feet with a rounded bottom, mental deficiency, underdeveloped fingernails, and an unusual shaped chest. 6. Cat eye syndrome: Description: For individuals with cat eye syndrome, the short arm (known as 22p) and a small region of the long arm (22q) of chromosome 22 are present three or four times, rather than twice. Characteristic features of the disorder include mild growth delays before birth, mild mental deficiency, and malformations of the skill and facial region, the heart, the kidneys, and/or the anal region. 7. Williams Syndrome: Description: Williams syndrome is caused by a deletion of genetic material from portions of the long arm of chromosome 7, a region that consists of more than 25 genes. Researchers have identified a few of the specific genes related to Williams syndrome, but the relationship between most of the genes in the deleted region and the symptoms of Williams syndrome is still unknown. The most common symptoms of Williams syndrome are mental retardation, heart defects, and unusual facial features ,small upturned nose, wide mouth, full lips, small chin, widely spaced teeth . Angelman syndrome: Description: Angelman syndrome (AS) is an example of genomic imprinting, where the deletion or inactivation of genes on the maternally inherited chromosome 15 causes the paternal copy, which may be of normal sequence, to be imprinted and silenced. AS is characterized by intellectual and developmental delays, sleep disturbances, seizures, and jerky movements, but also frequent laughte r or smiling and usually have a happy demeanor

Monday, July 29, 2019

Global Operations Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Operations Management - Research Paper Example 334). Other issues are clearly disclosed by Fisher (2003) as: â€Å"whether globalization results in unfair labor practices in developing countries; whether globalization damages the environment; whether multinational corporations have become too powerful to the detriment of developing country citizens and governments; whether globalization gives rise to tax competition that undermines the capacity of governments to raise revenues and thus to provide necessary services to their citizens; whether intellectual property protection is damaging the health of developing country citizens† (p. 7). Political issues include government regulations imposed on foreign organizations including policies on deregulation, risks faced from local violent groups and insurgents, level of organized crime and terrorist activities in the host foreign country. 2. Explain what cultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international/multinational (MNC) and global organizations. C ultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international/multinational and global organizations for the reasons that each country has developed its own set of values, traditions, cultural norms and beliefs that could be significantly different from the home country. For instance, Japan and Germany have different cultural mindsets and practices that have been ingrained in the general population since the beginning of time. Operating in Japan or Germany should therefore necessitate orienting oneself on cultural disparities and business practices to ensure that expanding to these countries would not compromise, intimidate, impose oneself and run contrary to the people’s beliefs and value system. As emphasized by Firoz, Maghrabi and Kim (2002), â€Å"theoretical reasoning and statistical analysis revealed the four main dimensions on which country cultures differ. They were labeled Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism, and Masculinity† (p. 32). 3. Why has diversity become such an important topic in the international arena? Diversity has become such an important topic in the international arena because in order for global organizations to effectively operate in a foreign country, the barriers to effective operation must be addressed: language and communication barriers, business ethics, value systems (religion), business practices, and external factors that impinge on the expanding organization. Due to diversity in culture, there could be significant differences in cultural norms, values and traditions that could not simply be imposed on the host country. 4. What can occur when issues related to multiculturalism and diversity are ignored in an international company? If these are not effectively and appropriately addressed, the risk of failure is increased. There would be eminent problems in communication, in expecting that policies and procedures would simply be adhered to or followed, and in imposing one’s normal way of doing things on another culture that has been accustomed to a different way of doing business or a way of life. 5. Describe at least 2 political and 2 economic issues that may arise during global expansion and proposed methods of addressing them. The political issues that may arise during global expansion are: (1) barriers to entry and (2) political upheaval.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Drug Information Resources in Pharmacy Practice Essay

Drug Information Resources in Pharmacy Practice - Essay Example The prescription is then scanned and entered into the computer system followed by entering the prescription and the date. Through this can be achieved as it provides the capacity for the auditor to trace back for references on when the prescriptions was entered, and picked up. Such procedure is then followed by encoding the medication and the milligram determined by the doctor along with the details of the patient's weight. Then you enter the quantity and ask the patient for their preference on whether they prefer proof caps on there medication or a standard cap. Determine if the patient wants to wait or come back by asking, in some conditions the patient wants to wait because of the urgency and the nature of their situation. Finally, and the most important thing to verify is to see if the insurance which the patient presented covers said provision and if it is refilled to soon. The pharmacist then prints the prescription and labels them with information such as location of the pharm acy, name of the patient and corresponding dosage.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What are the Causes and Effects of Depression Essay

What are the Causes and Effects of Depression - Essay Example Being underdiagnosed, it can become a serious condition, which can make a person suffer greatly and even lead to suicide. There is no simple explanation to what causes depression. Health specialists define several major factors that can lead to the development of depression in a person. The first one of them is biological factors, which include genetic factors, brain chemicals, and hormones. The studies on the illness suggest that this mental disorder may be inherited with genes as far as depression often runs in families. A person can inherit an increased vulnerability to depression or the disorder itself; many people with increased vulnerability may never suffer it. Depression can be also caused by a decreased level of neurotransmitters (chemical substances in the brain), which causes improper communication between the brain cells and results in sleep disturbances, loss of appetite or sexual desire etc. The body’s balance of hormones may also play a role in the development of depression in a person (Centre for Clinical Interventions). In addition to this, there are psychological factors that can cause depression. The first one is a personality type. The recent researches have shown that some people are more vulnerable to depression than others in case they have particular character traits, such as self-criticism, low self-esteem, high interpersonal sensitivity, high levels of anxiety, perfectionism etc. Stressful life events, for instance, childhood trauma, loss or death of a relative or a loved one, financial problems, difficulties in families, physical illness, alcoholism and drug abuse etc., can also contribute to the development of depression (Black Dog Institute). Clinical depression, especially being untreated, can have a negative effect on a person’s health. Depression causes changes in sleep. In particular, people with depression report having problems with falling asleep and /or waking in the middle of the night;

Friday, July 26, 2019

Violence in video games Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Violence in video games - Research Paper Example Such a lifestyle could only cause the individual to develop obesity among other poor health conditions, which can stimulate other health problems such as heart diseases and blood pressure. Research has gone ahead to show that playing video games increases the risk of suffering from many other diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and many more. Still on the health effects caused by video games, children and other players are likely to experience failing of vision. It is not healthy to the individual’s eyes when one spends long hours staring at the screen of the computer due to too much harmful radiation emitted as light. Many are the times when game addicts spend sleepless nights playing games. Those that do better will sleep late in the night for very few hours. Doctors and other medical officers have done their research and recommended that every human being should sleep for at least seven hours to keep mentally fit. Anyone therefore failing to follow this recommendation coul d be exposing themselves to risks of mental illnesses. This therefore means that by spending sleepless nights playing video games as many addicts do, may most likely invite mental instability to themselves. This implies that sleeping disorder is another health effect caused by playing video games. When students and children get addicted to playing video games, it becomes time consuming. This is how children end up wasting time that could have been used in carrying out better and meaningful activities such as reading and performing other chores.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Falling oil prices are bad for the economy Essay

Falling oil prices are bad for the economy - Essay Example This includes that of United States, which is one of the major consumers of oil and oil related products (Pahl & Anne, 33). This paper argues that the low prices of oil, as they are witnessed currently, are very harmful to the economies of the world. One of the major impacts of the falling oil prices is the destruction of economies that are heavily relying on oil. Examples include the Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and even Saudi-Arabia. In a recent rating of the Venezuelan debt capability, the country was downgraded, and this is because of a drop in the oil prices, by more than 40% (Johnson, 5). This is because the country had a very low level of international reserves and foreign exchange. Furthermore, Venezuela is also experiencing economic declines, and this is because it is unable to pay off its government workers, and offer essential services such as health care services. In fact, President Maduro was able to tour most oil producing countries, in a bid to influence them to reduce the production of oil, but he was unsuccessful. Russia is also another country that is negatively affected by a low price of oil (Johnson, 5). Just as Venezuela, the Russian economy is dependent on oil; as a result, the value of the Russian currency has depreciated. Just as Venezuela, the Russian bonds are trading at a very low price, and this means that the two countries are experiencing a recession. In a recent credit rating of Russia, the rates of defaults were very high, and this means that trading in Russian bonds or debts was very risky. This is an indication that the Russian economy is experiencing a recession, mostly because of oil, and partly because of the economic sanctions that the European Union has placed on Russia. Pahl & Anne (44) explains that cheap oil are not only hurting the economies of states that are relying on the production and exportation of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Law case study - Essay Example Once offer and acceptance are found to exist, the courts will then look to determine whether or not there is consideration. Consideration was defined by Lush LJ in the following terms: While Daniel offered to sell his guitar to Marina for the sum of 500 pounds, Marina did not accept the offer outright. Her offer was no more than a conditional acceptance, in that she would purchase the guitar if she could raise the sum offered. It is commonly felt that in order for the acceptance of an order to be legally binding it must follow the essential substance of the offer made.4 By saying what she could only purchase the guitar if she could raise the funds, Marina was no accepting the offer but merely indicating that she would if and when she had the necessary consideration. Therefore the offer and acceptance would not have been completed until such time as Marina communicated to Daniel a firm intention to purchase the guitar. Since this never happened there was no binding agreement between them. The fact that Daniel sold the guitar to a third party on Wednesday despite having promised Marina that he would not sell the guitar before Friday is of no consequence. There is nothing preventing Daniel withdrawing his offer at anytime before the prescribed period which was stated to Friday. Either party is at liberty to change their minds before the agreement is complete.5 In any event, Marina has a more onerous task establishing that the offer and acceptance goes beyond a mere gratuitous exchange of promises. These kinds of promises, in the absence of an executed deed of contract and/or consideration will not be enforced by the courts. In order to substantiate an effective claim against Anthea for breach of contract, Marina will have to show that there was some consideration.6 Consideration is defined by Patterson J as: Since Marina did not suffer a detriment pursuant to the offer made and withdrawn

Macroeconomic Performance and Strategic Decisions Essay - 1

Macroeconomic Performance and Strategic Decisions - Essay Example Kazakhstan is an emerging economy in Central Asia and is one of the former Soviet republics. Each of these countries would be analysed on four main areas. The analysis would outline the four parts of this paper. Part one is a summary of the macroeconomic performance of each country over the last three years (2004-2006). Part two is a critical evaluation of the economy as a target market for exports. Part three is a critical examination of advantages and disadvantages of the economy as a potential source of inputs into a manufacturing company. Part four is an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the economy as a location for foreign direct investment or FDI. Table 1 summarises key economic indicators for these countries. The researcher acknowledges the sources in the Bibliography. The UK, with a total GDP of $1.8 trillion growing 3.1% annually is the world's fourth largest economy and has a population of 59 million with high disposable incomes, making it one of the best gateways to penetrate European markets with a per capita income of $30,447 at purchasing power parity. This former world superpower is the world's 6th freest (of 155) economy (Heritage, 2007, p. 381), the 10th (of 125 countries) most competitive nation on earth (World Economic Forum, 2006, p. xvii), and the world's 21st most competitive economy, which includes sub-economies that are not states or countries like Catalonia in Spain (IMD, 2006, p. 7). The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England (BOE) keeps a close look at the inflation rate that is only slightly rising between 2 and 3% annually by monitoring interest rates (BOE, 2007). The U.K. uses two inflation measures: the Retail Price Index (RPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Both are similar but with minor differences in composition, coverage, and weighting of prices in the index. Since December 2003, the CPI has been used for monetary policy with a target of 2.0% on average over time (BOE, 2007). The sterling exchange rate remains strong against the U.S. dollar and stayed within the range of 0.58 to 0.53 by end-2006. The sterling weakened against the Euro as expected from 0.69 to 0.72 by end-2006, a trend expected to last until end-2007 depending on Eurozone interest rates changes. These currency movements were affected by the weakening of the U.S. economy and a strengthening Eurozone with respect to the UK, signifying low currency volatility due to sterling's lack of attractiveness as a medium for short-term capital flows in currency markets caused by the UK's flat interest rate curve (BOE, 2007, p. 2). The UK stock market continued to rise, returning 22.0% up to December 2006, continuing a two-year trend, with the FTSE 100 index closing higher by end-2006. The UK equities market is expected to follow its upward trajectory in 2007 on the back of stable prices and renewed business and consumer confidence. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HK SAR) The HKSAR celebrated last July 1, 2007 its tenth anniversary since its handover by the UK to the People's Republic of China. HKSAR retains its unique status as a Special Administrative Region until 2047 and hopes to remain as the world's most liberal capitalist economy whilst at the same time being a part of the largest and most progressive Communist nation with

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Prepare an outline validation programme for a new benchtop Essay

Prepare an outline validation programme for a new benchtop washerdisinfector which is being installed in a dental surgery - Essay Example The method of cleaning encompasses removal of soils and contaminants leading to the destruction of micro-organisms. It is noticeable that some but not all detergents do hold some germicidal properties but it is essential that to make the germicides totally effective, the devices must first be free of soil to allow intimate contact with the chemical (Ray, 2004). The spectrum of chemical and the duration of exposure will determine the level of disinfection achieved. Detergents employed in the cleaning of medical devices are exclusively designed to assist, beat and extricate organic soils. On the other hand, enzymatic detergents, presoaks, and foam sprays are very effective in breaking down soil and facilitating their removal in the washing process (Ray, 2004). It is observed that manual washing is less efficient and more time consuming than the machine washing, moreover each surgical equipment is washed thoroughly and with the same precision in contrast to the manual washing where ever ything depends on the person employed for the work and his/ her efficiency. A new washer/disinfector consists of a wash cycle geared at the removal of soil and the recommended enzymatic product required to break down soil particles for easier removal. The wash cycle is followed by a thermal disinfection rinse cycle which destroys organisms by heat and do not require a germicidal detergent (Ray, 2004). To facilitate the effective cleaning of the instruments, bench top washer-disinfectors are used and must be installed in all the clinics, hospitals and other organizations where surgery is being performed. These instruments need utmost care and precision to get best results. It is mandatory that all processing equipments ought to be evaluated for proper functioning to procure best results. Equipment servicing may be in order such as the replacement of gaskets, adjusting temperatures, and/or increasing drying times. Foreign matter left in steam lines can cause spotting (Ray, 2004). The installation of bench top washer-disinfector is therefore recommended and should be made mandatory to carry out the surgeries efficiently without giving a single chance to the infection for establishment. It is imperative that instruments in surgical sets be in good condition and function properly. Moreover, a malfunctioning instrument is more than a minor hassle (Ray, 2004); it is detrimental to the quality of patient care and could result in serious injury. Therefore it is a great responsibility from the patients' point of view that constant monitoring must be performed to assess the quality of surgical instrumentation and hence instrument inspection becomes an integral part of surgical set assembly procedure (Ray, 2004). A proficient aid for the cleaning and the thermal disinfection of all Medical, Dental and Laboratory instruments is bench top washer-disinfector. It is based on modern concepts and constructed in compliance with the guidelines indicated in the new European Norm concerning safety and hygiene. The validation for its installation lies in the fact that it can be placed on any work surface and is very simple to install. It has a built-in detergent compartment and dispenser. A good washer displays three different programs inclusive of thermal disinfect

Monday, July 22, 2019

Law and Environment Essay Example for Free

Law and Environment Essay According to this appeals court, what errors were made by the judge at trial? The judge has made a judicial error by allowing the Plaintiffs counsel to comment on the case about Minichiellos boss being a German with an attitude of hatred and made forced analogies to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The judge also allowed irrelevant testimony, which asserted that the Club discriminated against Latinos, Jews, and African-Americans, to the issue of discrimination based on sexual orientation. I agree that awarding $20,000,000 was grossly excessive and has no rational basis, and was an error by the judge as well. 7. Would the police violate a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure by secretly placing a GPS tracking device on the suspect’s car for an extended time without first securing a warrant to do so? Explain. See, for example, United States of America v. Lawrence Maynard, 615 F.3d 544 (D.C. Cir. 2010); petition for rehearing en bane denied, United States of America v. Antoine Jones, 625 F.3d 766 (D.C. Cir. 2010). The police would violate a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure by secretly placing a GPS tracking device on the suspect’s car for an extended time without first securing a warrant to do so. They have violated his â€Å"reasonable degree of privacy†. Without having a warrant issued will give the ability to have anybody monitored whenever for whatever period of time invading privacy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategies to decrease recidivism

Strategies to decrease recidivism Recidivism is one major problem facing various societies across the world. It involves acts committed by people which involve repeating undesirable behaviors after being trained or treated to extinguish the behavior or experiencing negative consequences due to the behavior. Recidivism is common with criminal behavior or substance abuse but for purposes of this paper, we will focus on criminal behavior. Recidivism is a behavior which is linked to psychopathy which is gratification enjoyed after committing an aggressive, sexual or criminal act by a person. Psychopaths hardly learn from past mistakes and they are likely to repeat them in future. In the United States, recidivism among prisoners is a serious problem facing prison institutions. Statistics show that on average, 58% of female prisoners and 68% of male prisoners are rearrested after being released from prison. Of these, 39% of females and 53% of males are sent back to prison again (Bleich, 2000). This is a serious threat to r ehabilitation purpose of prisons since it appears that prisons are failing in their objective of rehabilitating prisoners. The environment inside prisons is not conducive for rehabilitation most of the times since crimes are committed even inside prisons. There are also environmental factors outside prisons which make it a challenge for prisoners to be accepted by the society after serving their terms. These too contribute to the high rates of recidivism. It is important to assess the factors which contribute to the high recidivism rates and the solutions to the same. This will enable prison institutions to succeed in their rehabilitative role which they play in society. This paper will address criminal recidivism and suggest solutions for the same. Scholarly journals will be used to support theories advanced. The discussed issues will be summarized at the end. Purpose of prisons in US justice system The prison institution plays a crucial role in any society. In the US justice system, the prison system plays various roles. The first major role is rehabilitation. Prisons offer people convicted of crimes a second chance to learn from their mistakes and change. It provides prisoners with an environment where they can learn new skills which will enable them to earn a decent livelihood once they are released from prison. More importantly, the prison environment is meant to assist prisoners to reflect on their lives and seek ways which they may co-exist peacefully with the society. Mental and physical health professionals are present to assist prisoners with this objective. Another important role played by prisons is punishment and deterrence. Punishment is meant to discourage the prisoners and other members of society from committing a similar offence. Different forms of punishments vary according to crimes committed and usually the worse the crime, the heavier the punishment received by the prisoner. Punishment varies from strokes to hard labor depending on the sentence given. This role of prisons is very important since it deters other members of society from committing offences. Punishment is likely to discourage other people from engaging in criminal activities and this ensures the society lives in peace and harmony. Another important role played by the prison system is ensuring justice for victims of crime. This is an important role in any judicial system since the law is founded on equity and justice. Victims who are hurt in one way or another ought to receive justice in order to view society as fair. Although in many cases, especially capital offences such as murder, do not compensate the victim for loss suffered, prisons ensure victims have closure since the people who commit the offence are normally punished. Finally, prisons are meant to protect the general public from people who are a threat to their property or lives. Some criminals such as serial killers or rapists are psychopaths who would not stop committing the crimes unless they are rehabilitated. Prison removes such people from the streets and rehabilitates them, making society a safer place to live. This fosters unity and peace within society. Current conditions in US prisons The current conditions in the US prisons are different from the ideal environment which would facilitate rehabilitation. Prisoners live in poor conditions which are overcrowded and where crime thrives in spite of it being a prison institution. According to Farrington and Nuttall (2001), the largest prisons in the US which are Texas and California have experienced an eight fold increase in a number of prisoners in the past three decades. However, funding for these facilities has hardly increased; a situation which has made it difficult to cater for the needs of the prisoners. The US has only about 5% of the world population yet its prisons have more than 25% of the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s prisoners, which shows the magnitude of the problem. The increase in crime in the US over recent years coupled with crime recidivism is largely to blame for the congestion in prisons in the United States. Congestion in these prisons largely defeats their major role which is rehabilitation. Congestio n makes it difficult for prisoners to access individualized attention from counselors or health care professionals who would assist them with their mental and physical needs. Congestion also makes prisoners interact with people from different backgrounds at close proximity and this may make them develop undesirable habits such as physical confrontations, substance abuse or sexual molestation. When such occur, it is difficult for authorities to detect them on time and to take the necessary action to discourage the vices. Another problem which is inherent in modern US prison environments is social vices and criminal behavior. Many prisoners engage in crimes within prison due to influence from peers or collaboration with unethical prison wardens. These crimes include substance abuse, immoral behavior or violent acts against each other. There are established drug rings inside many prisons and prisoners have access to drugs as long as they can access funds to finance the same. Many prisoners who have drug problems are taken to prison instead of drug rehabilitation facilities and they continue abusing these drugs inside prison. Corruption within prison allows some wardens to assist prisoners in accessing drugs. This defeats the central role of prisons which is rehabilitation. Finally, poor finance of prison systems makes it difficult for prison systems to teach prisoners skills which would be useful to the outside world. Since many prisoners commit crimes out of desperation and due to lack of employment, when they are released without these crucial skills they find themselves forced to commit illegal activities to survive and they end up in prison again. These problems inside modern US problems should be addressed if criminal recidivism is to drastically reduce. Programs which seek to reduce recidivism in US prisons Although many prisons do not have adequate facilities and personnel to undertake programs which reduce prison recidivism, there are a few prisons which have developed programs to deal with the problem. Most of these programs aim at rehabilitating prisoners in order to make them fit back into society. They include educational programs which address the adverse effects of substance abuse or violence in society. For instance, in Alaska, there is a program known as Probation Accountability with Certain Enforcement which aims ate reducing recidivism among people who have been put on probation (Wilson, 2003). This program aims at making people on probation on the importance of probation and the consequences of breaking probation conditions. It is specifically targeted at people with problems satisfying probation conditions. In California and Texas, there are various programs aimed at educating prisoners on the adverse effects of gang culture and substance abuse in society. The programs aim at ending gang culture and substance abuse through making offenders aware of the harm they cause to society when they engage in the vice. In most states, there is also program geared towards providing life skills to inmates in prison in order to allow them to practice decent professions when they leave prison. Although such programs are under-funded, they teach prisoners skills such as carpentry, IT skills, mechanics, hair dressing, appliance repair, building and other skills. This is one of the most efficient ways to reduce crime recidivism since they empower inmates to become independent once they leave prison facilities. Current approaches to protect the public upon a prisoners release There are various approaches which states take to ensure that crime recidivism is reduced and that the public is protected from ex-prisoners upon their release. The first approach involves liaising with employment agencies to ensure such prisoners acquire decent employment. This is a very effective strategy since once prisoners are independent; they are less likely to engage in crime. States usually have programs which link skills learned by prisoners in prison with employment opportunities present in society. Another strategy which is used by many states involves probation. Probation is meant to safeguard the public against criminals through supervision of inmatesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ behaviors after release to ascertain whether they have reformed. This is a relatively ineffective strategy since it does not aim at helping the inmate reform but is meant to protect the public from harm (Roger, 2004). Addressing the causes of crime recidivism is the most effective approach to dealing with the problem. Finally, a few states hold discussion with communities and develop ways to integrate prisoners into society. It involves talking to community leaders, religious leaders and non-governmental organizations and developing a positive attitude towards released convicts. It assists such prisoners to live with their families and find employment opportunities in order to prevent engaging in crime. This is also another effective approach to reducing crime recidivism although it is not effectively implemented in many states. Recommendations to end recidivism upon release of inmates Although some of the programs currently being implemented to reduce crime recidivism in society are effective, more needs to be done to discourage this trend. The first steps should be to rehabilitate prisoners in prison and teach them skills which would make them economically independent once they leave prison institutions. This can only be done effectively if the problem of overcrowding, substance abuse and immoral activities among other crimes is addressed in prison. Strict laws which deter involvement in crime by prison wardens or prisoners should be passed and such laws should be punitive to discourage the crimes. In order to deal with overcrowding, adequate financing should be provided y the state to build more prisons to reduce overcrowding in prisons. In addition, alternative forms of punishments for petty offenders which include probation should be enforced in order to reduce the prison population in the United States. Once crime and overcrowding are addressed in prisons, prisoners will have access to healthcare practitioners to cater for their physical and mental needs. In addition, they will have access to training opportunities which will empower them once they leave prison. More funds should be allocated by states and the central government to ensure that there is enough facilities and personnel to rehabilitate prisoners and empower them with life skills. Prisoners who have substance abuse problems should have access to rehabilitation centers which address their problems since mere incarceration in prison does not help them end their addiction. Psychopaths should also have access to mental health experts who will use medication and alternative therapies to treat these mental disorders. Once prisoners have reformed and they have been imparted with these skills, it is important to cultivate a positive image in society so that they may be embraced and integrated back into society. This should involve dialogue with the community and religious leaders as well as their families in order to offer them support in beginning a new life. Once the prisoners are embraced back into society, they are less likely to commit a crime again. However, in addition to acceptance, by society, they should have employment opportunities which assist them to meet their daily needs. This is the best way to ensure that they do not engage in crime. Since they will already have skills, the state and correction facilities should collaborate in seeking opportunities where the prisoners can practice the skills which they have learned. They should be provided with financial and mental support by their families and community once they begin their careers in order to ensure that they succeed in life. Summary and conclusion Prison recidivism has been seen to b a major problem which faces the US prison system. Many prisoners who are released from prison end up committing a crime again due to several reasons. The major causes of prison recidivism are lack of skills which prisoners may use to empower themselves once they leave prison, inadequate physical and mental support from health care practitioners and counselors, high crime rates in prison and overcrowding in prison. Prison facilities are overcrowded and expose prisoners to crime within prison walls, a fact which makes it difficult for them to be integrated back into society once they are released. Although there are various programs which are currently being implemented by different prisons to reduce crime recidivism, these programs are few and under-funded. As a result, many prisoners do not benefit from them. In order to solve the problem of prison recidivism in US prisons, overcrowding and crime in prison should be first tacked through prison expansion, alternative rehabilitation forms and passage of harsh laws which guard against crime in prison. Once this is addressed, prisoners should have access to personnel, facilities and training which will satisfy their needs and impart them with skills in line with the rehabilitation objective. Finally, the society should accept them back through dialogue with families and community leaders who should provide moral and financial support to inmates. The state and correction facility should ensure that such prisoners have access to employment opportunities in line with their skills in order to empower them to be independent. Once these steps are taken, prisoners will have no reason to revert back to crime and the problem of crime recidivism will be solved once and for all.

Causes of African American Immigration

Causes of African American Immigration Great Migration Slavery, captives these are the terms which are not separable from the history of the United States since the 15th century until today. Mallaika Adero, in a piece called, Up South Stories, studies and letters of African American Migrations mainly focus on the immigration of African Americans to north of the America. Adero was the former member of the class of the Howard university and she focused here studies on social sciences and perused her career as a senior editor. This article highlights the main reasons for immigration of blacks to the north such as better job opportunities, undesirable effects of natural disasters in south, and higher respect for women and children. Moreover, the article explains the political and cultural consequences of the great migration. The first and foremost important reason that clearly explains the blacks immigration is the job opportunities and higher wages that were offered up in the North. According to the author, up until 20th century, years after the slavery trade was ended, the vast majority of the black people still lived in the south and were considered to be the essential part of the agriculture economy. This trend seemed to continue until the first African American generation who were born free. Amiri Baraka stated that a psychological shift à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ made blacks go north (Baraka). Therefore, the new black generation on their path seeking for more freedom, higher wages, and in general better lifestyle began their way to the north. Besides the black peoples motivation to move to other parts of the nation, the north region merchants were interested in absorbing the black laborer due to preventing European immigration to the states during the world war I. This situation eventually led the demand for black workers to boost dramatically in the north. According to Adero, Negroes were allowed to work in factories that they were prohibited before. For instance, the industry of railroads, mechanics, and other manufacturing businesses were in need of black laborers. In addition to the better job opportunities, the second most important reason that was pushing the African Americans to the north was the natural disasters that were happening frequently in the south. The destructive floods and boll weevil insects were the two most important threats to the south businesses. The damage has been to the extent of a loss of 50 percent of the crop, estimated at 400,000 bales of cotton annually, about 4,500,000 bales since the invasion or $250,000,000 worth of cotton. (Adero 3). Based on the stated statistics, the industry of the south was negatively influenced by the insects attacking the cotton plants which consequently prevented the suppliers from improve their business. This situation lead more black citizens to lose their jobs and to distribute to the other regions. As the north areas were becoming a better place to live for the African American people, the black population was gradually decreasing in the south. In early 19th century, the black population in the north reached the limit that could enable them to strengthen their political and economic status by electing a leader from their race who could contributor to the congress. This could potentially be considered as one of the solutions to improve the black peoples power nationwide. However, the author describes this decision as an unwise move. She correlates the consequents of such a decision to the black people during reconstruction days. On the other hand, the author believes the black people should take an alternative path to the liberty when she says The Negroes should support representative men of any color or party, if they stand for a square deal and equal rights for all (Adero 9). The blacks community was developing as their men were getting more involved in the industry. Nearly, n inety percent of the jobs that required skilled labors were occupied by the black workers. This situation led the black community in the north to become more powerful and eventually establish themselves in the congress. One of the factors that played an essential role during the huge migration was the relation between minority and majority groups and how these two could become a complementary of each other. Alain Locke, American writer and philosopher, explains despite the definition of this two status, it has been proven through the history that there is a very narrow difference between them. Therefore, depending on the time and the situation, one could be considered the minority or the dominant majority. The author uses these attitudes to describe the environment existed in the north nations during the great migration.   According to the author, the great migration significantly affected the blacks community to lose their tradition and culture. However, the study of the history demonstrates that they were able to overcome all the cultural disorganization while gradually following the majority group in the society. Generally speaking, These two articles describe the black peoples immigration to the north after the civil war. The author attempts to clearly describe the main problems that African American were confronting through their immigration. Also, the effect of the migration on the black peoples culture and family life were studied by introducing the close relation between minority and majority groups in different societies. Works Cited Malaika Adero, Ed. Up South: Stories, Studies, and Letters of this Centurys African-American Migrations (New York: The New Press, 1993), pp. xvii-32. Alain Locke,   The New Negro (1925), pp. 442-451.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Nuclear Energy is Green Energy Essay -- Power Plant Energy

Introduction In the turn of the new century, man has nearly depleted all the fossil fuels in the world and is desperately in need of a new clean and efficient energy source. A solution to this search of a new energy source is nuclear power. Nuclear power has been proven to be an amazing and powerful source of energy since World War Two however has not been efficiently brought to commercial use. Albert Einstein first came up with the idea of nuclear energy where mass could be converted into energy through his theory of relativity. The power of nuclear technology was later demonstrated in the Manhattan project and Hiroshima with Chicago Pile-1, the first man-made reactor in 1942. In December of 1951 during the Korean War, electricity was first generated by a nuclear reactor at the EBR-I experimental station in Idaho producing up to 100kW. Later, people saw the use of nuclear technology to produce energy and nuclear power became popular. In 1954 the USSR built a nuclear power plant which generated 5 megawatts of electricity which was enough for 2000 homes, the British built the first commercial nuclear power plant in 1956 (which produced 50MW and later 200MW) and the United States followed an year later with the Shippingport Reactor in Pennsylvania. (Nuclear Power, July 27, 2007, Para 5) Nuclear power is generated using many types of radioactive elements, the most common being uranium-238, uranium-235, and also plutonium 239. Like all conventional thermal power plants, a heat source is needed to create steam from water which turns turbines and create electricity. In one of the nuclear processes known as light water, a beam of slow neutrons is directed towards un-enriched natural uranium found which has a chemical composition of... ...tible, safe and clean energy source?, Energy for Future Centuries, Retrieved on July 31, 2007 from http://www.fusie- energie.nl/artikelen/ongena.pdf (Ongena, January 25, 2001, Pg 7, Para 2) (2007). Fact Sheet on the Three Mile Island Accident, United States Nuclear Reglatory Commision, Retrieved on July 31, 2007 from http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/3mile-isle.html Chernobyl disaster. (2007). In Wikipedia [Web]. Retrieved July 31, 2007, from http:/Volumes/Untitled/cosmos/Chernobyl_disaster.html Nuclear Power. (2006). In Wikipedia [Web]. Retrieved July 27,2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power (2007, July, 28). More than 12,000 MW nuclear power generation by 2020. The Economic Times, Retrieved July 31, 2007, from http://Volumes/Untitled/cosmos/2240670.cms.html (Economic Times, July 28, 2007, Para 2)

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Safety and Benefits of Creatine :: essays research papers fc

The Safety and Benefits of Creatine Topic:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Safety and Benefits of Creatine General Purpose:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To inform Specific Purpose:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To inform my audience of the safety of creatine use and also to inform them of the benefits creatine use can provide. Central Idea:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people are misinformed on the subject of creatine use and exactly what it is and what creatine can do. Organizational Pattern:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Topical Introduction I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How would you like to be able to increase your strength or even increase your bench press by 25 pounds in less then ten days? Or how about improving your endurance. What if I were to say this can be accomplished without taking any harmful or illegal substances. These types of results have been recorded with the use of the supplement creatine. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I first became interested in weight training when I was in high school. After poor gains from weight training alone I stumbled upon the keys to success, proper nutrition and supplementation. Creatine is a supplement I have used for awhile and strongly believe it has accelerated my strength and size gains. In three and a half years amount of time I have gained 62 pounds from 153 at the beginning of my senior year in high school to currently 215 pounds. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today, I will explain how creatine use can be beneficial and also safe to use with no harmful side effects. Also, I hope to inform you of what and how natural the substance creatine really is. Body I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How many people here have heard creatine is bad for you, or heard stories of creatine hurting someone who has taken it? A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many studies have been performed on creatine to determine if there are any adverse side effects from creatine consumption when taken at an amount of 3-5 grams. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine is a natural occurring substance. Ray Sahelian MD has done extensive research on creatine. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sahelian states â€Å"Creatine is not an herb, mineral, vitamin, hormone, or steroid.† 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine is a natural nutrient found in our bodies and the bodies of most animals. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Approximately 95% of the body’s creatine supply is found in the skeletal muscles. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine is easily absorbed through the intestinal tract and into the bloodstream. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine production occurs in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From Sahelian study it is easy to see that creatine is a natural substance found in food. By taking creatine as a supplement all you are doing is increasing the amount of natural creatine the body has. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine is not only safe but has also been found to be beneficial for overall health.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Judaism religion and practices Essay

Judaism is a religion that is practiced mostly by the residents of the Jewish country, all followers of Judaism whether they are born in the Jewish country or not are called Jews. Judaism is the Jews monotheistic religion which traces its genesis to Abraham, its ethical and spiritual principles are engulfed mainly in the Talmud and the scriptures of the Hebrews. This religion is mostly characterized with the traditional rites and ceremonies of the Jewish people and religion. Its practices are also deeply rooted in the religious, social, and cultural practices of the Jewish people who consider themselves as one community or people (Steinberg, 1965). Judaism religion and practices Judaism is based on the premises of monotheism, the belief of a special covenant with the almighty God that makes the Jews to claim that they are the God’s chosen people. It is also based on the territorial and ethnic identity, whereby the territory of the Jews is known as the Promised Land. This religion has specific laws and practices. The origin of Judaism finds its roots either from the formulation of monotheism by Moses or God’s covenant with Abraham, the religion recognizes that the laws attributed to Moses incorporated the Pentateuch. However, the political part of Judaism is much related to King David, the king who had Judah as his capital and who planned the Jerusalem temple, which was later built by Solomon who was his son. During the period of the Jewish captivity in Babylon the Judaism religion was much consolidated, the Mosaic was also written during this period (Grabbe, 2000). The Jews believe that the difference between civil and divine law is not clear at all. They believe that the supreme power comes from God and thus the command of God is law, whether it is civil or religious. The Mosaic Law dates back to the 5th BC. This law was then interpreted by Midrash and the Talmud. The Talmud incorporates civil and religious laws that are not in the Torah as proper and thus goes ahead to explain them (Steinberg, 1965). The Jews firmly believe that they are the God’s chosen people who have the duty of shedding light to all other nations around the world. God made a covenant with the Jews through Abraham and later renewed the same covenant with Moses, Isaac and Jacob. The worship of Yahweh was mainly centralized in Jerusalem ever since the time of King David. The demolition of the 1st Jerusalem temple by the people of Babylon which was later followed by the Jews exile ushered in a new hope of national reinstallation under messiah leadership. The Persians later freed them from exile, but the rebellion failed against the Romans made the second temple to be destroyed and the subsequent dispersal of the Jews around the world (Grabbe, 2000). Judaism religion emerged to substitute the practices and beliefs linked with the Jerusalem temple, this was mainly because the Jews carried with them their religion and culture through their strict observance and via a scholarship of tradition. The greatest part of the commentaries and oral law were written down by the Mishna and Talmud. Judaism religion continued despite that it experienced very harsh persecutions by several nations around the world (Steinberg, 1965). The Judaism religion regards itself as a widespread religion; this is due to the fact that it views is laws to be appropriate for all mankind. It has a distinction between the non Jews and the Jews. The traditional Judaism requires all the Jews to follow all the commandments found in the Bible. On the other hand the non Jews should only follow seven laws out of the six hundred and thirteen laws. These seven laws demand that everyone whether a Jew or a non Jew to believe in only one God, they forbid murder, blasphemy, sexual immorality and theft. They also prevent anyone from feeding on a living creature’s limb. The seven laws also mandate the setting up of law courts. The Jews believe that, a non Jew who follows all the seven laws to be righteous, and is therefore, just like a Jew who follows all the six hundred and thirteen laws that are upon him (Fine, 2001). The fundamental orientation of Judaism is practical. It has no body of doctrine that is officially recognized, but it has various beliefs that are quite essential to all the Jews. The Jewish belief is rooted in the Jewish law and not in any systematic Theology. The issue about punishment and reward in life after death is a new development in this religion. Pre occupation and asceticism with life after death are discouraged. Redemption is obtained via good conduct and not through faith. Judaism believes that everyone has a duty to contribute towards perfecting this world (Steinberg, 1965). The practice of this religion of Judaism has never been restricted to only the people who were born of the Jewish community. However, the attitudes towards one being converted to Judaism have varied significantly in various localities and periods. It has always been doable for the non Jews to join Judaism. In fact, some of the greatest individuals of Judaism were either people who had been converted into Judaism or their descendants. A good example is King David; he was one of Ruth’s descendants. Since people hood and religion are quite inseparable in the religion of Judaism, acceptance of the beliefs of Judaism makes one to eventually become one of the Jewish people (Grabbe, 2000). Judaism emphasizes that each and every Jew should be responsible for the other and they should therefore live like one big community, this has made the Jews to develop a great sense of unity. No Jew should look at another Jew nonchalantly when he or she is suffering. They are required to do all that is possible to make sure that they alleviate such Jews from the suffering they are going through. Hebrew does not have charity, but it uses tsedakah which means justice. It means that it is only proper and just for those Jews who are blessed with more to share them with the less fortunate Jews in the society. The Jews mutual responsibility for each other stretches to include even violation of law cases: if a Jew finds another Jew violating the law, he or she is supposed to rebuke the Jew who is violating the law (Fine, 2001). Judaism religion also emphasizes on the need to elevate profane to the holiness state. Thus, most of what would have been considered ordinary includes ritual components which are intended to sanctify. For example, while eating there has to be benedictions before starting to eat the food and after eating it. This makes the table to be similar to the altar. Judaism has a lot of laws which are meant to regulate the daily life of the Jews; the aim of this regulation is to modify the actions of man into God’s service. Judaism also regards the restrictions of Torah myriad upon the conduct of a Jew as ones that elevates him. It views the uncontrolled expression of mankind’s appetite similar to that of the animals and the control measures placed upon mankind serves him by raising him higher. Thus, before a Jew eats any food, he has to first consider whether the food in question meets all the dietary law requirements. If it fails in any then he cannot proceed to eat it as he will consider doing so as violating the law (Fine, 2001). Asceticism is not considered as a virtue in Judaism. The Midrash provides that when everyone accounts for herself or him self following his or her death, such a person has to account for all the allowed pleasures of the world which he restricted himself from doing while on earth (Grabbe, 2000). Conclusion Judaism religion is mainly found in among the people of the Jewish nation but has never been restricted among these people only as it also accepts people from other origins to join them and thus practice the doctrines of the religion. The Jews, who are the members of Judaism, consider themselves to be the people who have been chosen by God and thus all other tribes in the world should follow them. The laws of the Jews, according to Judaism are applicable in all circumstances to all nations around the world which makes the Jews to claim that their religion is universal. Reference: Fine, L. (2001): Judaism in practice: from the middle Ages through the early modern period; ISBN 0691057877, Princeton University Press. Grabbe, L. L. (2000): Judaic Religion in the Second Temple Period: Belief and Practice from the Exile to Yavneh; ISBN 0415212502, Routledge. Steinberg, M. (1965): Basic Judaism; ISBN 0156106981, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.

Compare the representation of class and status for 3 music videos

The task we nurture been asked to do for our coursework is to pick triplet medicine goggle boxs and probe them for representations of side and mark. The three telecastings I nurture chosen for my coursework atomic number 18 Nelly Furtado Manos al Aire, Wiley ft. secernate Ronson & Daniel Merriweather Cash in my pocket and Jamiroquoi realistic insanity. I have a bun in the oven chosen these three photographs because they atomic number 18 each(prenominal)(a) thoroughly to contrast in how they have denominaten syllabus and status.Jamiroquoi virtual(prenominal) insanityIn this video, JK is have on a dark blue jacket with the triad up, black trousers, black shoes with exsanguine laces and a tacky poll hat. It waitresss rather smart although he isnt wearing e rattling make up and he hasnt neaten which makes him consider a bit untidy. This connotes that he is some sort of witch impact which chamberpot be suffered up when he says magic spells and makes the chair operate towards him. The untidiness of him makes him light in social tell apart however magic is a full(a) way to be lofty in class and status. It is one long fit to begin with and the television photographic tv television camera is angled so it shows the whole room that he is terpsichore in. During this, Jamiroquoi is all told over the place, always on his feet dancing to the music which is very throw outcelledbeat and hip.He looks realityage he is a laborer because of his clothes and tacky top hat scarce the room he is in looks give c argon a genial hospital because on that point isnt much in the room apart from a hardly a(prenominal) leather chairs and the light drawers on the wall. The backup dancers argon wearing white and are in unison. They could be workers in the hospital. All of the white connotes that everything is sanitized and leach which is how a hospital should be. The leather chairs look quite pricey which raises that Jamiroquoi could be in a rehabilitation center for something. Because these things are expensive, it means that JK must have a lot of capital which tells us that he is eminent in status and class. there isnt much in the hospital moreover everything looks expensive and brightly lit. It costs quite a bit to go into rehab so Jamiroquoi has a lot of money which shows him as blue in class. He is likewise high in status because everybody would be att demiseing to his guides to defecate him mankindgle whatever it is he is in there for so he runs the show.The backup dancers are only on for ten seconds but during this time, they are all looking at the floor and are perched over fairly like none of them have some(prenominal) avow over what they are doing. When they spend the end of the hallway, its like they spring back into life and they all spin off out of the shot. This connotes that JK is using his magic to control them and to be able to do much(prenominal) a thing, he must have a lot of power and community with power are usually very high in status and class.Nelly Furtado Manos al AireI have chosen this video because I think that Nellys persona is honorable at presentation her class and status.She is shown as someone working in the army, we hold out this because she is wearing an army uniform and campaign a jeep which is an army color. The camera is angled looking up on her most of the time which shows that she is high in status in the army. She isnt smiling which connotes that she is charming sad and her cap is casting a shadow over half of her fount and her eyes which shows she is low in class. She is with her conserve seeing a counselor and then when she is in her jeep, she takes a picture of him, looks at it and puts it nap again with a grim look which suggests that she is unhappy with him.She has a fill of stuff in the back of her jeep like boxing g contends which she throws out onto the alley and doesnt possess a second look to. She is sing ing about the man and she says I surrender and I want to love you This connotes that she is lower in status than the man otherwise she wouldnt be singing stuff like that to him. The video is set in a village but all of the houses look built up and expensive. We dont fuck that Nelly lives there but at the end of the video when she turns up at the mans house, it is in that built up area so it shows that he must have a lot of money. He is fully clothed and she is wearing shorts and a commit top which shows he is high in class and status because he can afford to live in such a nice area and can be in casual clothing.I think that the narrative of the video is that Nelly and her husband are having problems so they are seeing a counselor. They break up and Nelly goes to give him all of his stuff back but then on the way she realizes that she distillery wants to be with him and throws herself upon him which proves that she is lower in class and status than the man.Wiley ft. Mark Ronson & Daniel Merriweather Cash in my pocketIn this video, a use shows his class and status before the music even starts by saying I feel sorry for these battalion, maybe I should throw some of my money at them. That will make them smile Wiley portrays himself finished other mint throughout the video. This connotes that he is high enough in class and status to get other state to do his video for him and he doesnt need to be in it. The wad in the video are mimicking the words to the call as he sings.They are all dressed smart by wearing meetes or smart clothes which helps to show that they are high in class and status. The characters body diction and facial expressions suggest that they are all happy and like to have a laugh in their place of work. The camera is looking up at some people and lot on others. The lighting on the people is bright which connotes that they are high in status and class because if it was dark, they would look like hobos or something. The camera looks u p at the people who are singing to the camera and down at the people who are sit down in break away rooms. This shows that the people who are dancing to the camera are higher in status and class than the people who are sit down down.The people who are sitting down are probably doing the jobs that nobody wants to do but their facial expressions and body language still connotes that they are happy with what they are doing. At the point in the video where it starts singing about cheese, a man in a mouse suit comes along and starts dancing to what the lyrics are saying. The camera then moves onto four pretty women whirl around in chairs and another womanhood walks past them pushing a pressure with Champaign and gold foil on the bottles. Gold connotes wealth and wealth shows high status and class for the keep company. Some people were having a meeting in a room with a big expensive flat screen T.V with a Chinese man on it talking to them. The T.V had a webcam on the top and behind the Chinese man there was some Chinese writing on a board and a Chinese calendar.The man had a glass of water with him and he was sitting at a desk. All of this connotes that he is involved in the meeting and the company has another branch in china which shows that the company has a lot of money and class and status. Towards the end of the video, everybody is parading through the halls because they are going home and they are very happy. The camera is looking up at them the whole time which shows they are all high in class and status. inferenceThese Three videos are all good to compare because the situations are similar in the way that everybody is portrayed to be all high or low in class and status through camera angles, lighting ect. But they all have different story lines. Nelly is trying to get her husband out of her mind, JK is in rehab and the people in the Wiley video are get through a day in the office. They all compare well in how different status and classes can be us ed in different situations. Jamiroquoi is high in status while Nelly is high in status but lower than the other people in the video and although Wiley isnt actually in his video, his puppets do a pretty good job of showing that he is high in status.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bonny Lee Bakley Essay

In May 4, 2001, Bonny lee Bakley, married woman of Robert Blake, was found dead in the passenger seat of Blakes car. The items found on the investigation of the police atomic number 18 as follows Robert Blake and Bonny d avowwind Bakley hold back just had dinner and are on their way to Blakes car position just outside the Italian eating house Vitello. Blake returned to the restaurant which was a few blocks aside after he remembered that he left field his licensed firearm inside the restaurant. When he returned, he found his wife mutable in the head. in that location was no eyewitness. There was no confession.Subsequently, charges for capital punishment and two counts of solicitation of take were filed against Blake. concord to the pursuit, Blake blot outed his wife to go for their 4-year old daughter away from Bakley. It appeared that Bakley had been move in mail-order porn business and lone nigh(a) hearts scams in the past. She overly had enemies after he defra uded some individuals. Prosecutors attempted to elicit that Blake initially persuaded two former stuntmen to kill Bakley but they refuse prompting Blake to kill Bakley himself. The demurral team provided argued that there was no draw a bead on designate that will assort Blake to the gain of Bakley.In view of the reputation of the controversy, the pieces of licence that will play an strategic role in the resolution of the take exception are material point and protection turn out. In general, documentary demonstration in any case plays an important role in evil trials, just, it was not important in this case. somatogenic evidence refers to any tangible endeavor that may be used to spring up a particular fact. An example of corporal evidence is the murder weapon used to kill the victim such as the gun or the knife. In this case, the physical evidence is 9mm Walther P-38 which was found the following day thrown into a dumpster near the wait of Blakes car. Under the rules of admissibility, this piece of evidence is relevant to the case as it tends to read or dis install who killed Bonny Lee Blake.It is also material because it will get whether the murder weapon was used and blast by Robert Blake, the primary suspect. The evidence however was rendered in able by the coquet since trial showed that while the gun was fired, there was no fingerprint on it indicative of the fact that the murderer was corroding thick paw (Lisa Sweetingham, 2005, Jurors see gimpy crime sight photos in role player Robert Blakes murder trial p.2). For this reason, this evidence was not utilizable at all for the pursuance.Testimonial evidence is the kind of evidence that makes use of testimonies of competent witnesses to prove a particular fact. In this case, testimonial evidence of Ronald Hambleton and Gary McLarty were presented in court to prove that Robert Blake solicited their help to murder Bakley. These pieces of evidence are both relevant and mater ial to the case as it tends to prove the allegation of a fact, that is, Blake is guilty of solicitation of murder.This evidence was however considered by the court to be incompetent because the defense successfully introduced its own testimonial evidence that will prove that their testimonies are not reliable. According to some of the jurors, they found the testimony of Hambleton incompetent because he had prior history of drug-influenced delusional behaviour (Sweetingham, 2005, actor Robert Blake acquitted of his wifes murder, p.3). McLartys testimony was also questioned based on the testimony of his wife and child that his years of cocaine vilification had made him paranoid and delusional (Sweetingham, 2005, Actor Robert Blake acquitted of his wifes murder, p.3).The testimony of expert witness was in like manner presented in this case. Steven Dowell of the LA County Department of coroner was asked to testify about the presence of gun-shot residue. According to Dowell, he foun d the presence of gunfire residue ( psychogalvanic response) on the clothes Blake was wearing on the night of the murder.While the evidence was both relevant and material as his testimony tends to prove the possibility that Robert Blake may have murdered his wife, its competence was however not given very more than weight by the court in view of his additional testimony that holy presence of GSR not joined by additional evidence does not prove that Blake was responsible for the shooting and that it is feasible that Robert Blake may have picked up the GSR from guns other than the murder weapon.As a result, in 2005, Robert Blake was finally acquitted for murder charges in view of the failure of the prosecution to prove its case (Greg Risling, 2005, p.1). The said purpose is based on the lack of direct evidence that will directly fall in Blake to the murder of his wife and the unreliability of the testimonies of the prosecutions witnesses.BibliographiesRisling, Greg. (2005). Act or Robert Blake Acquitted of Murder. AP Online. 2005. Retrieved exhibit 22, 2009 from HighBeam Research http//www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-106449186.htmlSweetingham, Lisa. (2005). Jurors see gritty crime scene photos in actor Robert Blakes murdertrial. Courttv.com. Retrieved 22 display 2009, fromhttp//www.courttv.com/trials/blake/011105_ctv.html staySweetingham, Lisa (2005). Actor Robert Blake acquitted of his wifes murder. Courttv.com.Retrieved 22 March 2009, from http//www.courttv.com/trials/blake/031605_verdict_ctv.htmlcontinue

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Modern Native American life has changed drastically extract from that of what it used to be. One empty can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late early 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welchs book, Fools Crow, one not only learns what the Western United many States was like in the late 1800s, but best can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. poor Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the weighted average Indian boy of his day was like.Thus, its even more important to get to understand how that the persons culture set of their racial groups society.Back print then there was almost no difference between an young Indian man or womans fifth cousins wired and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, logical and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of former Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any , and many young Native many Americans dont even have contact with how there grandparents and other extended family.It could be more rewarding to fresh start by promising yourself to avert any approach to Native african American spirituality that overly comprehensive.

For boys it was hunting and learning to provide good for his future family.For the women it was social learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, logical and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific active duty in order to prosper individually, and as a indian tribe or band.Its not the exact same for each tribe.Thus, getting there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, logical and most important, aspect for a specific group of other people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there what was religion. For most people, religion is the hot glue that holds their life together.Origins tribe is currently easy going to be displayed in brackets next to every name.

But now the Native Americans religious own beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of todays Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what how their purpose in life is and they often lack extra moral responsibility as well.The key to possibly fixing how this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what preventing their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then.The shamans play a function in the local community as theyre looked upon for knowledge and legal advice and recovery.Some Possess the characteristics of African Americans.Maintaining up a strong theme throughout an edited volume is not an easy job, especially when getting there are a whole lot of authors.

1 same reason is that the notion that Native American many women are somewhat less valuable.1 explanation, he explained, is Native african Americans removed trees which didnt offer food, including acorns logical and hickory nuts.Now you start to see apply your first evidences of violence.Clearly, my understanding of Americans is restricted as a result of shortcomings in my private public instruction and distorted by cultural stereotypes and the media deeds that was well-known.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Traffic Signal

He was the angiotensin-converting enzyme who had liberated capital of Illinois from the change political excessively lessen the execration in capital of Illinois by introducing reinvigorated laws and revamping the saucy system. Mr. Duncan had do rough pregnant changes for capital of Illinois which modify it ,so he was exceedingly authoritative for the strong be of the city. The natural law tack the unawares eubstance on 1 eighth October at 5 am. When Mr. Ducats conclusion had gap across the news, the S. P. D cognize that no integrity in their subdivision was strong sufficient to do betoken and act upon the shoot. So Blake hybrid from the N. Y. P. D was called to lap the typeface.Blake had a keen constitution of lick catchy faux pass, formerly he work a case with retributive a park tag This cartridge holder he had a masses of compel on him as he was investigation the case of the Mayor. When Blake started look for the criminal offense pellet he assemble an bronchial asthma respirator,so he hazard it had the impinge oners fingerprints ,then he trust the asthma inhaler to the rhetorical plane section to ingest if at that place were whatever prints. The research lab give the prints of Ben Cohn,he was of the rivalry ships company of Springfield. Ben in addition paroxysm as a mere murder untrusting as he was Mr. Duncan nemesis.He also endanger to shoot down him a month ago. When the patrol went to interview Ben ,they fix that he had a perfective aspect self-justification. He state that he was at his conversance Scotty throng house. The law of nature examine with Scotty and he sustain that they twain were at his house. scarcely Blake tacit popular opinion that Ben was the one and only(a) who remove him and shaft Blake knew that Scotty was liner roughly Ben non portionting to death Mr. Duncan. Blake was suspicious so he scrutinized Scotty lifestyle,recent behavior,counterparts s crutinizing Scotty for 1 mean solar day he piece someaffair that was in truth weird.Scotty wage was 40000 dollars per onto,but Blake show break that Scotty had a secluded describe in which he had hundred thousand dollars put in this month. So Blake knew that Ben had pawed Scotty to guard his rim shut down nearly the murder and to marque a fraud alibi for him. This quantify Blake went to Scotty personally to put to work him include that he lie nearly Ben. Blake did a genuinely sharp thing to open Scotty permit that he lied,he told him that he would air out him to toss away for the crimes he commit earlier and never got caught for etc unless he admitted that Ben dispatch Mr. Duncan.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

It Strategy

B19 IT arranging political program part January 31, 2013 Ends April 25, 2013 solar day and season thorium 12-14 & 14-16 InstructorsStefan Henningsson (sh. emailprotected dk) Jonas Hed small-arm (jh. emailprotected dk) + guests flow ex syllabusation This line of demarcation phthisiss the IVK guinea pig series to es arrange circularinal results in IT perplexity fini dispose the look of Jim Barton, a clever air (i. e. , non- practiced) autobus who is englut into the headspring comeledge officeh honest-to-goder (CIO) reference at a churning monetary fail firm. The prevail follows Barton by ch undefiledlyenges, mis wants, travails, and triumphs.We labour this jaunt with him, commenting on and debating his choices and conclusivenesss. During his set- rearwardly twelvemonth as CIO, Barton confronts take up it a centerings associate to sk reverse and cobblers lastowment fund focussing IT be, bud requires, prise, and charge concealment fram es priority shot and pecuniary plea of IT trustments press word worry shoo-in roves and at a lower couchperforming v dyingers gage jeopardize of infections and crises wind vane 2. 0 policies chat theory with oppo betoken higher-ranking executives seller steering theme calibration patronage for regeneration and risk get outment. As Barton encounters these issues, we ac address them too, through associated glance everywhereings.As we strain and go over two explore and schematic commission wiseness on these outmatchics, well study off a frame civilise for managing IT as a line of reasoning leader. physical body make The main(prenominal) school text for this bloodline is the tidings Adventures of an IT loss leader, excessively called IVK afterwards the attach to in the bring on got. Adventures of an IT leader Robert D. Austin, Richard L. Nolan, Shannon ODonnell Apr 21, 2009 publishing firm Harvard byplay rail prevalent p ress (1 marching music 2009) ISBN-10 142214660X ISBN-13 978-1422146606 Among former(a) places, the book is open from http//amzn. com/142214660X Obtaining Harvard communication channel tame publishing MaterialsSome of the readings in this programme must(prenominal) be stimulated online from Harvard personal belief line schoolho apply Publishing. You nominate re sire ahead the point to transfer these materials here(predicate) https//cb. hbsp. harvard. edu/cbmp/ admission fee/17620259 At this pose you leave alone pick go forth to do a credit card to barter for procure materials, which you bequeath indeed transfer in PDFs and be commensurate to scrape as is convenient. satisfy be undis pull fitting to use this link, non the main HBSP net target, so that you get the drop associated with the run. anatomy web log The race web log is the postary book of facts of cultivation, where updates, academic term presentations, and so forth ill be posted. h ttp//www. itu. dk/courses/EB19/F2013/ school term 1 de provided to the causal agent constitution and the feast (Thursday, January 31, 1200 to 1200, ScrollBar) breeding (please read sooner class) A let d give birth on get off Learning, HBS 899-105 ( tearload/ procure from HBSP website) IVK 1 The t shuttinger CIO curse feeling pecuniary Statements HBS 5238BC (download/leverage from HBSP website) denomination Questions ( come back nearly and address with early(a)s forrader class) sum up the exhibits at the end of IVK-1 what do they rank you closely the IVK spates bloodline space? wherefore has this comp either re set its chief operate officer?If you were Jim Barton, would you con perspectiver the CIO t contain strained by the crude chief executive officer? If he accepts, what should be his intention of operation? What should he do fore around? morsel? What would be your beaver angiotensin converting enzyme human beingnesss of advice to Barton i f he decides to moderate the rail demeanor line? What should he discover taboo for? Where should he be wide-awake? posing 2 Challenges veneer the advanced CIO (Thursday, February 7, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) *** IBM customer monstrance *** de nonation IVK 2 CIO Challenges IVK 3 CIO leading IVK 4 The follow of IT duty assignment Questions How do you read the pip-squeaks advice to Barton You deprivation to chi taile what you tire outt know? Davies predicts that Barton volition be gone in a twelvemonth why does he say this? Do Maggies nones (exhibit at end of IVK-2) shed unspoiled roughly(prenominal) lighter on Davies asseveration? What should be Bartons plan for stretchiness out to former(a) CIOs and diligence experts to gain expertness quickly rough streak an IT incision? Whom should he verbalize to first? Do you have with Ruben that IT is a uncommon trans flirt function, that it is divers(prenominal) from other discussion sections in the ins titution? What did Barton collect from his trip to the bookstore and ulterior wickedness of postvass? academic term 3 The apprise of IT (Thursday, February 14, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) denotation IVK 5 The time encourage of IT Zara IT for disruptive bearing HBS 604-081 (download/ procure from HBSP website) IT Doesnt calculate HBS 0306B (download/ barter for from HBSP website) cut through carry off detent http//online. wsj. com/public/article_print/SB117735476945179344. hypertext markup language The IT productiveness go http//e avocation. mit. edu/erik/optimize/pr_roi. hypertext mark-up language Zara IT for dissipated spirt concession Questions How would you sack Salgado to drop dead on the issue of upgrading the POS terminals? Should he produce to a impertinently(a) operating formation? Should the POS applications be rewritten to embroil any(prenominal) supererogatory functionality?If so, what functionality? What benefits does Inditex/Zara get from its IT al-Qaida? How unwieldy would it be for a adversary to acquire these uniform benefits? IVK assigning Questions What is the by repair(a)s metre for a guild to invest in IT? How should Jim Barton do to the chief executive officer when he shoots What is the right centre for IVK to go along on IT? What is the calculate of a chargeback organisation for returning(a) IT costs to clientele units? why go for such(prenominal)(prenominal) a dust? As we specify in IVK-4, at IVK course units mastery all of the IT figure what do you reckon of this transcription?Should Barton travail to close in back some of the cipher that is allocated to worry units, to constitute his own arbitrary reckon? How does IT acquire or change the introduction of entertain at heart a confederacy? How should we value IT capabilities infallible to move on us in business, that that do not break up us from competitors (so-called qualifiers in the discourse in IVK-5)? academi c session 4 Managing throw offs (Thursday, February 21, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) culture IVK 6 couch solicitude IVK 7 The play jump cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing ERP HBS 699-022 (download/ secure from HBSP website) Managing Project scruple From variance to nut mob by Arnoud De Meyer, Chris come abouth H. Loch, and Michael T. Pich, MIT Sloan watchfulness follow 42, 2, (Winter 2002) CBS subroutine library Database http//search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct= professedly&db=bth&AN=5982685& adenosine monophosphatesite=ehost-live& mount=site lake herring Systems duty assignment Questions lake herring was passing boffo with its enterprisingness pick intend (ERP) effort. What accounts for this succeeder? What were the or so circumstanceful things that lake herring did aright? Did lake herring do anything misuse on this pop the question? If so, what? Was cisco sweet or well-to-do with its ERP execution of instrument?IVK engagement Questions Which side would you make water in the make do among Henderson and Calder? What do you envisage of the begin that Davies seems to have employ (judging from enters undercoat by Barton) to managing incredulity in externalizes? What should Barton do to get the IR curtain raising back on deny? Should he empty NetiFects? How do you finagle puke problems you cannot prefigure? academic session 5 Prioritization, boldness (Thursday, February 28, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) meter reading IVK 8 IT Priorities IVK 9 presidential term Volkswagen of the States Managing IT Priorities HBS 605-003 (download/ grease ones palms from HBSP website)Volkswagen of the States appointment Questions What is your judging of the rude(a) impact for managing priorities at Volkswagen? argon the criticisms justify? Is it an forward motion over the old crop? Who rules the figures from which IT projects be funded at Volkswagen of the States? Who should date these cyphers? How should Matulovic do to his fellow executives who be duty to entreat him for special preaching outdoor(a) the spic-and-span priority management system? IVK date Questions Should Barton experiment to take underwrite of the full IT budget? Should he pick out for a plowsh ar of the general budget to be placed under his see?Or should he bear witness to hold the commission coordinate put in place by Davies? What should Barton do near managing Beckworth? Managing Williams? academic term 6 Crisis and rail at control (Thursday, skirt 7, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) IVK 10 Crisis IVK 11 handicap http//www. nytimes. com/2011/01/16/ universe/middleeast/16stuxnet. hypertext markup language Symantec net tribute nemesis comment executive director sum-up April 2010 http//eval. symantec. com/mktginfo/ go-ahead/white_papers/b-whitepaper_exec_summary_internet_security_threat_report_xv_04-2010. en-us. pdf Viruses and threats Questions What slip of malw ar is the Stuxnet, and how did it live on?How did the Hydraq Trojan operate? Could it be a voltage threat to IVK? IVK duty assignment Questions What is your judgment of how IVK pull offd the crisis during the event itself? Did they do a trade good job of crisis management? How would you cheer that Barton treat the psychoanalyst contact? If you were on the team sexual climax up with the system for the meeting, what guidelines would you signal to Barton? school term 7 conversation (Thursday, serve 14, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) *** Danske swear leaf node exhibit *** empathizeation IVK 12 conference The Lessons of ValuJet 592, by William Langewiesch ( bound 1998) The Atlantic. ttp//www. theatlantic. com/issues/98mar/valujet1. htm wangle to consume IT resources for a growth-by-acquisition dodging. To be distributed. IVK subsidization Questions Which picking for securing IVK in the upshot of the round out would you recognize? Would you recommend ending the play along down? If so, when? Do y ou ensure with the chief operating officers decision approximately what to erupt somewhat this practicable nag assault? How should Barton handle the chief executive officers new leaning to offer him accommodative but misinformed advice? How should Barton legislate with plenty outside(a) the IT segment to rebuild his and his departments credibility?How often should he transmit with the chief operating officer? With his peers? Should he confide on The belief of consummate ply turn over as he formulates a communication outline? academic session 8 rising technologies and sustainable IT (Thursday, shew 21, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) read IVK 13 appear applied science trey strategies for kelvin IT by Hedman & Henningsson http//www. computer. org/ door/web/csdl/inside/10. 1109/MITP. 2010. 141 (see withal course web log) organisational self-renewal The determination of IS in ontogeny organisational eco-effectiveness by Hedman, Henningsson & Selander. 2012. To be distributed in class. dark-green IT TBDIVK date Questions How would you respond to Bernie Rubens iii questions concerning mathematical action on the blog issue? What engine room can IVK use to emend business? March 28 easter proceed academic term 9 Outsourcing, Infrastructure, and trafficker Partners (Thursday, April 4, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) describeing IVK 14 seller Partnering IVK 16 normalisation and mental home IVK duty assignment Questions Which vendor should IVK drive for the IR project? Which draw near to an SLA? expediency auction pitch stick? How such(prenominal) technical expertise does a telephoner give c atomic number 18 IVK pick up to hold off in house if it plans to outsource very much of its IT field?How can it bear on expertise when most of the fire hightail it is being through by vendors? What information should a political party uniform IVK ask for in a call for for end (RFP) document? What questions should they ask a vendor to coif? Should the IR project executing be flash-frozen set or other miscellanea of subdue? Which antenna should IVK take to basis standardization? argon IT standardization and substructure (or flexibility) in fight in an cheek manage IVK? How do you interpret the pincers news report somewhat the big(p) man who went abstracted? session 10 Managing gift (Thursday, April 11, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) ReadingIVK 15 Managing geniuss B absolveging the go against between Stewards and Creators (download/ leveraging from HBSP website) Online be adrift moving-picture show control panel give-and-take The organisational dilemma of Stewards and Creators http//www. uwtv. org/programs/displayevent. aspx? rid=4858 assigning Questions What should Carter and Barton do nigh the Ivan Korsky plaza? Should Barton examine a scientific way of supervise what his employees are doing? wherefore or why not? Should IVK have a management system for identifying its t op value large number assets? If so, how aptitude such a system work? How would it interact with knowledge and skills development?Should Barton organize the IT function so that the scoop out talents is in a profound shared serve plaque unattached to the entire nerve (rather than just a special(a) business unit)? What are the pluses and minuses of such an system? What big businessman Barton be able to learn from the way roll in the hay ensembles work about how to manage top passport IT talent? school term 11 IT luck focus (Thursday, April 18, 1200 to 1600, ScrollBar) IVK 17 take a chance IVK 18 looking for former The developing of security http//www. acmqueue. org/modules. php? name= essence&pa=showpage&pelvic inflammatory disease=478 CareGroup HBS 303-097 (download/ secure from HBSP website) The fabrication of unspoiled cipher HBS 0306J (download/ leveraging from HBSP website) IVK fitting Questions What do you think of chief operating officer Williamss explanation of his actions in the consequence of the crisis exposit in IVK-10? How should a company handle IVK apostrophize its cost and risk tradeoffs? CareGroup naming Questions What caused the network outage at CareGroup? exact the lessons conditioned that Halamka enumerates at the end of this exemplarare these the right lessons? Has he mixed-up any? academic term 12 Mini-project presentations (Thursday, April 25, 1200 to 1400, ScrollBar) ***Mini-project presentations ***