
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I am going to study three love poems. The first one is called First Lov

I am going to study three love poems. The first one is called First Love by trick ClareHow does poets writing before 1900 use language to write neardifferent types of love? Consider three love poems, two of which mustbe by the same poet.In this piece of coursework I am going to study three love poems. Thefirst one is called First Love by John Clare this poem is a realsimple, sweet poem about a mans first love of his life. The second iscalled My Last Duchess by Robert Browning this poem is about theDuke telling his servant about his last wife, this poem is a poemabout obsessive love. The third poem is called Porphyrias rooteralso by Robert Browning this poem is about a man being suspiciousenough to murder his love with her hair. This poem is a psychoticpoem. Throughout this coursework I will be investigating the poemsvocabulary, structure and imagery.Firstly, I am going to explore the poems vocabulary. The vocabulary inFirst Love by John Clare is very simplistic and sweet, much l ikewhat you would find in a valentines card. The nouns found in thispoem, like flower is just one font of the simplicity that thispoem has in it. Even simple adjectives have been included in thispoem there are more words to describe new(prenominal) than pale, more colonialwords could have been used. Clare could have used words like bloodlessor cadaverous which are more complex but mean the same as pale.Although the vocabulary in First Love is very simple the vocabularyin My Last Duchess is a round more obsessive. In the poem Clare putforward that no one else has seen the portrait strangers never readthat painted countenance plus he had a very negative view over theentire positive th... ...bulary,structure and imagery. The vocabulary in First Love is verysimplistic and sweet, whereas the vocabulary in My Last Duchess is alot more obsessive and in Porphyrias lover the vocabulary ispossessive. The sentence structure in First Love is very short andsimple but in My Last Duchess the structure shows the obsessive andjealous love given. Whereas in Porphyrias Lover the sentencestructure shows a psychopathic and menacing love. The imagery inFirst Love is saying simple and innocent love but in PorphyriasLover the imagery is saying paranoid and psychopathic love. There isnot much imagery to comment on in My Last Duchess.I prefer Porphyrias Lover to First Love and My Last Duchessbecause it is possessive and enjoyable because it has lots of use ofimagery which makes it interesting to read though and investigate.

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